NC State Graduate Student Association
The NC State Graduate Student Association is the primary advocacy body for NC State Graduate Students. It provides services such as travel funding, social events, as well as professional development workshops.
Major Accomplishments:
Treasurer (2016 - 2017)
Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Representation, Executive Liaison (2016 - 2017)
Social Committee, Executive Liaison (2016 - 2017)
Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Management, Member and Executive Liaison (2016)
Teaching Effectiveness Committee, Member (2015 - 2016)
All-Council Representative, Representative for Psychology (2015 - 2016)
Major Accomplishments:
- Part of successful effort to increase GSA Travel Award funding
- Deployed survey to all NC State graduate Sudents to understand gaps in graduate student management by faculty supervisors. Results presented to major stakeholders at the NC State Graduate School and Graduate Student Association.
- Part of successful effort to increase graduate student representation in the NC State Student Government Association, including the creation of a Graduate Student Relations department and Director of Graduate Student Relations position.
Treasurer (2016 - 2017)
- Elected to position by NC State GSA Council
- Served as member of the GSA Executive Board
- Developed annual budget
- Managed GSA Block Grant Applications
- Signed off on and tracked spending by entire GSA
- Served as Executive Liaison on multiple committees (see below)
Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Representation, Executive Liaison (2016 - 2017)
- Committee focused on increasing graduate student membership in the Student Government Association Senate
Social Committee, Executive Liaison (2016 - 2017)
- Committee focused on organizing 2 to 3 social events per semester, including the GSA Formal which has approximately 300 annual attendees
Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Management, Member and Executive Liaison (2016)
- Developed and deployed survey to understand graduate student - faculty relationships and how they might affect graduate student wellness
Teaching Effectiveness Committee, Member (2015 - 2016)
- Evaluated applications for the NC State Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award which recognizes graduate student instructors for their efforts in the classroom
- Organized the annual Teaching Assistant social
All-Council Representative, Representative for Psychology (2015 - 2016)
- Represented the interests of the graduate students in Psychology to the overall Graduate Student Association
Graduate Association of Students in Psychology
The Graduate Association of Students in Psychology (GrASP) is the primary advocacy body for graduate students enrolled in NC State's Psychology Department. It provides services such as travel funding, social events, as well as professional development workshops.
Major Accomplishments
President (2017 - 2018)
Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Finances, Member (2017)
Vice President (2016 - 2017)
Graduate Student Association Representative (2015 - 2016)
Major Accomplishments
- Establishment of the GrASP Society Registration Fund which helped defray the cost of registering to a professional society
- Received the NC State Student Involvement's 2017 - 2018 LEAD Awards Outstanding Student Organization Officer award in recognition of my efforts to the department
- Received the NC State Psychology Department's 2017 - 2018 Exemplary Service Award in recognition of my efforts to the department
President (2017 - 2018)
- Lead all meetings of GrASP executive board
- Organized and presented at the NC State Psychology Department's Visiting Day
- Organized and presented at the NC State Psychology Department's Orientation
- Organized NC State Psychology Department's Fall and Spring Graduations
- Organized various social events and advocacy efforts
Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Finances, Member (2017)
- Lead meetings on committee focused on the current financial status of graduate students in NC State's Psychology Department
- Developed and deployed survey to all NC State Psychology Graduate Students to understand their current financial status
- Results of the survey were discussed, by another committee member, at an NC State Psychology Faculty meeting
Vice President (2016 - 2017)
- Served as understudy to GrASP President
- Organized the NC State Psychology Department's Visiting Day
- Organized the NC State Psychology Department's Orientation
- Organized NC State Psychology Department's Fall and Spring Graduations
- Organized various social events
- Organized and represented the NC State Psychology Department at the annual Graduate Student Association Trivia Tournament
Graduate Student Association Representative (2015 - 2016)
- See "All-Council Representative" for Graduate Student Association for description.
- Organized various social events
Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Student Chapter at NC State
The Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES) Student Chapter at NC State is the primary advocacy body for graduate students enrolled in NC State's Human Factors & Applied Cognition Ph.D. program. It provides services such as social events, professional development workshops, and other events relevant to the interests of students in Human Factors.
Major Accomplishments
President (2015 - 2016)
Major Accomplishments
- Chaired, organized, and secured funding for the Student Human Factors and Applied Research Conference (SHARC) 2017
- Established and chaired an organization of HFES Student Chapters in the Southeast (SEHFES)
- Student chapter received the 2017 HFES Student Chapter Gold Level award in part due to efforts and initiatives launched during my tenure as President
President (2015 - 2016)
- Lead all meetings of NC State HFES Student Chapter executive board
- Secured funding from various sources, including the HFES National Society, APA 21st Division, NC State Student Government Association, and the NC State Student Government Association Funding Committee
- Secured funding and part of effort to organize a day-long visit, including an invited talk and lab tour, by Dr. Christopher Wickens
- Part of effort to organize an invited talk by Dr. Janey Barnes
- Developed a skills colloquium series where graduate students introduced each other in skills such as R and Axure.
- Updated and rewrote HFES Student Chapter constitution
Graduate Lead Peer Mentoring Collaborative Program
An initiative organized by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the NC State College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Graduate students in the program are trained in mentorship skills and then design and implement an annual initiative.
Returning Peer Mentor (2018 - 2019)
Peer Mentor (2016 - 2017)
Returning Peer Mentor (2018 - 2019)
- Organize bi-weekly meetings of peer mentoring collaborative
- Part of effort to develop monthly mentorship seminars
- Part of effort to develop a website for the peer mentoring program
Peer Mentor (2016 - 2017)
- Member of the first peer mentoring cohort
- Part of effort to develop a half-day seminar on inclusive peer mentorship